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This web application enables the search in the digital data stock of the German office of the Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale. The objects in question are held by museums, libraries and archives. Due to continous research und new findings, the data is subject to changes. Over a longer period of time, this can produce different search results. The RIdIM office will be happy to assist you with your search. You will find the contact details under Contact.

Basic search

The entry field „Basic search“ covers all available database fields. If you enter more than one search term, the application uses the operator AND. The result list includes only hits that contain all search terms. You can abbreviate search terms or replace more than one character mit an asterisk * as Litho* or Lithogra*ie. With a question mark ? you can replace exactly one character as in Organi?ation.

Advanced search

The advanced search includes a search with „All field“ over all available database fields and a selection of search attributes combined with the application oft he operators AND, OR, as well as AND NOT. If you enter more than one term in a field, the search is then performed with the AND operator.

For all search fields, you can use the question mark ? to replace one character (organi?ation) in a term and the asterisk * to abbreviate a term or to replace more than one successive character (*cello).

The search fields listed in the advanced search contain each the same set of search attributes (All fields, RIdIM-Siglum, Creator, Object title, Place of creation, Date of creation, Medium, Object type, Technique, Materials, Musical instruments, Iconclass, Subjects, Persons as subjects, Local reference, Musical work, Literary subjects, Historic events, Institution, Inventory number) and can be combined with each other with the operators AND, OR and AND NOT.

Operator AND: the hits displayed in the result list contain all the search terms submitted.

Operator OR: The hits displayed in the result list contain one of the search terms.

OPERATOR AND NOT: The hits displayed in the result list do not contain the search term.

Result list

The results of your search will be a survey of all matches in a result list.

The result list names object title, name(s) of creator(s), year of creation and RIdIM-siglum for each hit. Furthermore, an icon on the left side of the hit signals whether an object image (reduced object image, sometimes watermarked), an external link (violin without sign for an external link) or neither (violin without additional attributes) was added to the respective data record.

Detailed view

The detailed view includes the description of an object and the related depictions of music and dance. You can access the full record set by clicking on a title in the hit list. Some objects consist of several parts and are structured over up to two hierarchical levels. You can use the symbols < and > to scroll between the individual data sets. Return to the result list by clicking on the symbol << on the left side of the tab „back to results“.


The German RIdIM office does not own any objects itself and shows images only with the permission of the owners of the image rights. For watermarked images, the owners of the image rights allow the German RIdIM office to display images based on special agreements. Other images are shown under Creative Commons licenses (CC0 (CC0 1.0), CC BY-NC-SA (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE) und CC BY-SA (CC BY-SA 4.0)). The owners of the image rights are named in the detailed view as „Photo source“.

My lists

The feature „My lists“ allows you to select titles in a watch list for the duration of the current session. To do this, mark the checkbox to the left of the selected title in the hit list and then click „Save“ next to the „Temporary watch list“ field. „My lists“ offers as output options to save the selected entries in list format to your local file system and to email the selected items.

Previous Searches

For the current session, the tab „Previous Searches“ enables you to save the search terms you have used and, if necessary, to use them to repeat a search operation.