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The "Datenbank zu Musik und Tanz in der Kunst" (database on music and dance in the arts) permits researching the object descriptions of the German RIdIM office available in digital form online. The cataloguing takes place in accordance with an agreement on the recording of basic information which was established already in the early 1970s in the international RIdIM context. The "Datenbank zu Musik und Tanz in der Kunst" largely maps the documentation system of the Munich RIdIM office. It is based on the field scheme "Marburg Information and Documentation and Administration System" (MIDAS) of the Bildarchiv Foto Marburg and has been adapted to the specific requirements of RIdIM using the software HiDA (Startext). In addition to specifications of physical aspects of an object (for example title, producer, technique, creation data, dimensions, institution holding ownership and inventory number) and general image contents following the classification system Iconclass, RIdIM records specific aspects of music and dance, such as musical instruments and musical compositions represented.

Image rights

The rights associated with the reproductions shown in the "Datenbank zu Musik und Tanz in der Kunst" are held by the institutions which manage and/or own the objects, and, in the case of works of recent times, are also held by the copyright owners. The German office of the Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale shows images only if a corresponding agreement is in place with the owners of the image rights. This agreement covers exclusively the representation in the "Datenbank zu Musik und Tanz in der Kunst" and cannot be expanded to third parties.

Additionally website and "Datenbank zu Musik und Tanz in der Kunst" show object images under Creative Commons licenses. Please note the corresponding information that is attached to the respective image and its owner.

In case you wish to purchase images or use image rights, please contact the institutions in question.


The Munich RIdIM office endeavours to screen a museum, a library or an archive on site and at least a section of a collection or a subcollection in its entirety whenever possible. Since 1979 approximately 150 collections have been partly or entirely screened or prepared for screening. The "Datenbank zu Musik und Tanz in der Kunst" contains approximately 22,560 descriptions of objects/depictions from appr. 90 collections. Approximately 2,300 descriptions of objects from appr. 60 collections still are available only on file cards. A list (pdf) about the status of cataloguing provides more detailed information. The menu item "Aktuelles" (News) offers, amongst other things, information about new entries.